Monday 18th January – Noah’s Ark Work

Here is a video of Miss Jones reading the story Noah’s Ark.

Noah and his family took two of every type of animal and travelled all around the world on their ark.

This reminds me of another story about animals who travel the world. It is one of my favourite stories. It is called ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and it was written by Julia Donaldson. The snail crawls onto the tail of the whale and they travel together around the world seeing amazing sights and having great adventures. Here is the story.

Today I’d like you to imagine that you are going on a journey around the world. Think about where you would like to visit. Do you have a favourite place? Would you like to visit hot countries like this?

Would you visit a cold country like this?

Ask your grown up to help you explore some of these places, either by looking at books or researching them on the internet.

Here is a link to an online atlas. 

Draw a map, showing the places you will visit and the route you will travel. It might look a little bit like these maps.


Ask your grown up to take a photo of your work and send it to me on dojo, so that I can see your travel map.

Swans/Year 1 – I’d like you to extend this activity by writing a list of things you will need to remember to pack and take with you on your epic journey around the world! You will need clothes, food and drinks, soap, toothpaste and more. What things  will  you need to pack?

If you are visiting a cold country, you will need to pack some extra things – what might they be?

If you are visiting a hot country, you will also need to pack some extra things – what might they be?

Use your Fred Talk to carefully sound out and write your packing list. Send me a picture so that I can see your amazing work!