Monday 1st February – Earls Hill and Clee UTW and Topic

In both of our stories this week there are giants! David defeats the giant Goliath in our bible story and Jack meets a giant at the top of the beanstalk!

There is a special place in Northern Ireland called ‘The Giants Causeway’.

Here is a video showing this amazing place. Please watch it with your child and talk about the things you can see.

There are different stories about how this amazing place came to be. Here is the scientific reason. Discuss this with your child.

So, scientists believe that the amazing rock patterns were created by a volcano erupting 60 million years ago. Here is a video of a volcano erupting.

Some people believe that the rocks are like that because of giants! The legend is that the giants  Finn McCool and Benandonner created them because of a fight they had a long time ago. Here is the story.

This rock does look like a giants boot doesn’t it?!

What do you think? Was The Giants Causeway created by volcanoes or giants?

In this CBeebies programme, the ‘Go Jetters’ visit the Giants Causeway.

Here are some ideas of activities you could do with your grown up that are linked to ‘The Giants Causeway’

  • Make some giant feet to stomp about. Use cardboard and some shoelaces to make these feet! 

  • Make a volcano (A messy outside experiment!)

Things you will need

  • 10 ml of washing up liquid
  • 100 ml of cold water
  • 400 ml of white vinegar
  • Food colouring
  • Baking soda slurry (fill a cup about ½ with baking soda, then fill the rest of the way with water
  • Empty 2 litre drink bottle


NOTE: This should be done outside due to the mess.

  1. Combine the vinegar, water, washing up liquid and 2 drops of food colouring into the empty bottle.
  2. Use a spoon to mix the baking soda slurry until it is all a liquid.
  3. Eruption time! … Pour the baking soda slurry into the soda bottle quickly and step back!

  • Use blocks to build a Giant’s Causeway.

  • Draw or paint a picture of The Giants Causeway, or the legend of the giants.
  • Look for hexagon shapes when you go on your daily exercise.
  • Research the diving birds found at Giant’s Causeway