Monday 1st March 2021. Maths home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


To start our maths learning today we are going to join in singing some number songs:

And a days of the week song:



Today we are going to be learning about capacity. Do you know what capacity is? Talk to your grown up about the word and what you think it might mean. Here is a clue:


Capacity is the amount that a container can hold.

For today’s activity you will need:

  • A bowl or bucket with water in (you can use a bath or sink)
  • Some different size containers
  • A measuring jug if you have one
  • Paper and a pencil

I would like you to use water and different size containers and have a go at filling them in different ways.

Can you make them…

full   empty   half full   half empty   overflowing 

Tell your grown up about how much water is in the container.


Now I would like you to think about which of the containers you are using will hold the most water. Once you have decided which one you think I would like you to fill each container in turn with water then tip it into the measuring jug. Remember to write down how full the measuring jug is. When you have measured the water in each container check to see which container held the most water. Were you right?



If you would like to continue learning about capacity here is a link to the Oak Academy lesson on measures:


Here is the link to the White Rose maths lesson about capacity. This lesson is more basic and will be useful for children who are unsure of capacity:


Please have a go at the games using the links below: