Monday 22nd February 2021. Maths home learning for Clee and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Today we are going to start our maths learning by singing some shapes songs:


Following on from the ‘Lost and Found’ story, I would like you to make a penguin using shapes. You can look around your house for shapes to use to make a penguin or you can draw and cut out shapes to use to make your penguin. Here are some examples for how you can make your penguin:

Image result for penguin made from shapes

Image result for penguin made from shapes

Image result for junk model penguin

Talk to your grown up about the shapes you are using to make your penguin. Can you name them all? Is there a shape you are unsure of? If there is maybe your grown up can tell you what it is called.

Here is a link to a shape penguin which you can print out, cut out the shapes and stick to make a penguin:

2d shape penguin

Image result for 2d shape penguin

I would love to see some photographs of your penguin and the shapes you used to make it.

If you would like to continue learning about shape here is a link to Oak Academy lesson on 2D shape:


Please have a go at playing some of these shape games:



If you have been following the learning for smaller numbers, here is today’s video lesson (session 1):


Here are links to Numberblocks number 4 and number 5: