Monday 22nd February – Earls Hill and Clee Topic/UTW

Today we are starting a new Bible story – the story of Joseph. You may be familiar with Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat. This story tells the tale of Joseph and his brothers. Here is it for you to watch:


In the story, Joseph is taken to Egypt. Egypt is a country in Africa. Here it is on a map, circled in green. Where we live, in the U.K. is circled in blue. Its quite a long way from Oswestry to Egypt. It would take over 6 hours on a plane!

Egypt is famous for its pyramids. They are ancient, which means very old. Look how big they are compared to the people on camels! I wonder how long they took to build?

Today we would like you to talk to your grown ups about what you think the pyramids were used for, and why they were built.

Have a look at these guesses- which one do you think it right? Do you think the pyramids were built…

To help people learn about the stars?

To keep food inside?

Or to be used to bury important people when they had died?

If you said the last one, you are right!

Pyramids were used a long time ago as places to bury special people called Pharaohs – they are a bit like kings.

Here is a picture of a pharaoh. Joseph works for the Pharaoh in our story. He helps the Pharaoh to understand his dreams.

Image result for pharoah

Let’s see if you can have a go a building a pyramid. There are lots of different things you can build them out of. Here are some ideas to help you. How big can you make it?

The Ancient Egyptians used a different alphabet to us. Instead of using letters, they used Hieroglyphs and they can be seen on the walls of the pyramids. It doesn’t look anything like our writing does it?


Hieroglyphs are made up of lots of different pictures.

Swans/Year 1’s, can you have a go at writing your name in hieroglyphs? Here is a guide to help you!

Or follow this link to see more clearly.


Here is my name in hieroglyphs, can you write your name? I’d love to see some pictures.