Monday Literacy

Lay out the tricky words face up on the floor, space them out as much as possible.

You are going to play a game where you say a word and the children have to read and find it. Tell the children you would like them to be trains. Can they move their arms like the wheels on a train and ‘chuff chuff’ themselves to the correct word? When they find and stand on the correct word they could pull the train whistle and shout “Toot Toot!”

Watch this story about a train ride –

The little girl was looking out of the window and saying what she can see.

Ask your child to look out of their bedroom window .Discuss what they can see when they look out of their window. Ask your child to write 2 or 3 sentences saying what they can see. Ask them to look out of a different window. Again, write 2 or 3 sentences saying what they see.

Ask them to start their sentences with ‘I can see….’

Can you let your child borrow your camera or phone and take a photo of the view out of their bedroom window and the other window they have looked out of?