Monday Literacy

Today I’d like your child to write some sentences. Look at these pictures showing fun summer activities.

Talk about each of the pictures with your child. Has your child ever done any of the activities shown?

Either used lined paper, or draw lines for your child to write on. I’d like them to write at least one sentence for each of the pictures. Remind them to start their sentences with a capital letter. Remind your child to use finger spaces between each word. Encourage them to sound out each word carefully to hear and write as many sounds as they can. If tricky words are to be used, remind your child that they know how to write these, and they don’t need to be sounded out. Here are some example sentences.

  • The boy is blowing bubbles.
  • I can see the children playing with a ball.
  • They are having a picnic.
  • The children are in the pool.
  • I can see children on the bikes.