Monday Maths

Please start by joining in with this song.

Today I’d like you to work on estimation with your child. You will need up to 20 pairs of socks balled together. You will also need a box, large bucket or a laundry basket. Your child will also need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Put the box on the floor and give your child the balled up socks. Ask them to count how many pairs of balled up socks they have. Explain to your child that their job is to try and throw as many pairs of socks into the box as they can. Ask them to estimate how many socks they will be able to get into the box. Ask your child to write down their estimation. Ask your child to throw the socks, one pair at a time. When they have thrown all the socks, ask them to count how many landed in the box. Write down this number. Discuss with your child if they threw more or less than they estimated.


Repeat the activity a number of times. Do they get more accurate each time? Perhaps make the activity more challenging by increasing the distance your child stands from the box. Can your child throw in more socks than you?