Our First Week Back in Clee


It has been lovely to have the children back in school after the Easter break. They have all settled straight back into school and have been eager to start our Superheroes topic.

A big welcome to Freddie who started in Clee class this week. 


The children arrived in class on Monday morning to find a hole in the ceiling. There were lots of questions; Who made the hole? How did they make the hole? We had a big discussion with many interesting ideas shared by the children.



In Literacy we received a letter saying that someone (a villain) had stolen Reggie Robot’s light! The children were shocked and decided to write letters to the villain to ask for the light to be returned. They also made ‘missing’ posters which we are going to put up around the school:


We have used our Superheroes writing areas:



We went to the forest area where we found natural materials to write with:


Our book this week has been ‘Ten Little Superheroes’. In maths we have been Superhero numberfinders 


We hunted for Superhero numbers and put them into the correct order


In Expressive Art and Design we designed and made Superhero capes:


The children suggested a name for our class Superhero/Supervillain. They then voted to decide the name.



The children were each given an Easter chick with a chocolate egg inside to take home. A big thank you to Mrs Meddins’ Mum for making the chicks for the children.


What a super busy week!