Our first week back in Clee


We have had a great first week back in Clee. 


In Maths we have been continuing our Mastering Number learning about the composition of 3 and 4:




In Literacy we received a letter and a parcel from Denzel the Nature Detective. Denzel needed our help to find minibeasts. Inside the parcel there were items to help us to go on a minibeast hunt outside, these included magnifying glasses, checklist, paper and pens. We found many minibeasts which we took photographs and drew pictures of. Here are some photos of our minibeast hunt and our Literacy activities:



On Monday Raya brought in some cakes which her mummy had made for us to eat at snack time. They were delicious and we ate them as we listened to ‘The Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson.




We have had an exciting time during our LEX time (Learning and Exploring) This is the time when the children choose their own learning and are supported by the adults. We then enhance and extend these activities:



During ‘Show and Tell’ G showed the space poster he had made, Charlie told us about how he had won at bowling and Artur and Levi showed us the different leaves they had collected:



On Thursday we had a space day. We learned about gravity, the names of the planets, dressed up as astronauts, made a space rocket and listened to a space story:

What a fantastic week!

If you are watching any firework displays we would love to see some photos please. You can send them via Dojo. We have talked about fireworks, Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot and firework safety with Fireman Sam.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.