Our first week of the Summer Term


Welcome to the first half of the Summer Term!

The children have settled back into school after the Easter break. We have had a fantastic start to the term with the children full of enthusiasm and eager to learn.


In Maths this week we have been learning about doubles. The children are very confident to show doubles using their fingers and to point out if something is or is not a double. They have been joining in activities to consolidate this:



In Literacy our focus text is ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Jonny Duddle. The children arrived in school on Wednesday to find a sealed box. They shared their ideas as to what they thought was in the box. When we opened it we found four eggs in a nest. We hatched the eggs and inside were four baby dinosaurs. There was a letter from the Dinosaur Mummies asking us to take care of the baby dinosaurs. There was also the ‘Gigantosaurus’ book.

We will read a few pages of the book each week and the children will join in many dinosaur activities to engage and support their learning:



Here are some other activities the children have enjoyed this week:



Next week in maths we will be learning about odd and even numbers.


Thank you to everyone who came to parents evening last week. It was lovely to chat to you about your child’s achievements.

Have a lovely weekend,                                                                                                 Mrs Meddins, Mrs Owen, Mrs Dorofte and Mrs Roberts.