Our learning in Reception


We have been very busy in Reception over the past few weeks. Here is some of the learning we have been joining in with: 


In Literacy our learning has been focussing around the book ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Johnny Duddle. We had great excitement when a box arrived in class. Inside the box were some dinosaur eggs, a letter and the ‘Gigantosaurus’ book. Following on from this we have drawn and described our own ‘Gigantosaurus’, written words on footprints to describe a Gigantosaurus’s footsteps and made lists of food we could feed the Gigantosaurus. We have also joined in lots of Literacy activities independently:



Our Maths learning is ‘First, then, now’. We have been learning about adding on and subtracting. We have been joining in many fun activities during our maths learning:




We have had lots of fun exploring our new climbing equipment and we have talked about how to use it safely:




During our LEX time (Learning and Exploring) we have inititiated our own learning and followed our interests:




We took part in our first PE session for a while:




We have had  an assembly with Mark and Alice from the church. They talked to us about ‘Friendship’.