Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week this week.


In Mastering Number Maths we have been learning about the composition of 5. We have sang ‘5 little speckled frogs’ and talked about how many frogs are on the log, how many are in the pond and that there are still 5 altogether. The children then explored further Maths activities independently:



We also used balancing scales to understand mass:



In Literacy we read some more of our focus text ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert. The children worked in pairs to find words, put them into a sentence and read the sentence. They joined in other Literacy based activities related to the story:



We have continued our RSPB learning by checking on the bird feeders we made and spotting birds. We put seed into a bird feeder which we nhave on the classroom window so that we can see which birds come to eat:



Here are some photos of some of the other learning experiences this week:

Next week we will be finishing reading ‘Let’s all Creep Through Crocodile Creek in Literacy, looking at the composition of 6 and 7 in Maths and joining in the NSPCC Number Day on Friday.

It is also National Storytelling week meaning we will have different adults reading stories throughout the week.