Our week in Clee

Poster of World Nursery Rhyme Week 2022 dates and days of the week for the featured rhymes

This week we have taken part in World Nursery Rhyme week. Each day we listened to and joined in with the Nursery rhyme. Following on from this there were many fun activities:




In Literacy we read some more of our focus book ‘I’m going to eat this Ant’. We talked about many of the words in the book beginning with the ‘s’ sound. Following this the children worked in small groups to write or draw a list of items beginning with a given sound.



In Maths we have been learning about ‘more than and fewer than. We played games using Muddles the Monkey and Geraldine the Giraffe. We had to say using a sentence which animal had more than or fewer than’ the other. The children were amazing at learning this concept:



Here are some of our LEX time activities. Again we have observed the children and extended their learning by planning fun, engaging activities:




We have already had some fabulous home learning projects brought into school. Well done to Freddie and G who talked to their friends about what they have made at home with their families.

Please bring your home learning projects in by Moday 28th November so that the children can share them with the class.




On Friday we celebrated Children in Need or ‘Pudsey Day’ as the children called it. The children looked fantastic, thank you. They showed their outfit to the class, we talked about why we dressed differently and what Children in Need is. We listened to a story about a boy who only has one leg, ate Pudsey cakes which were made by one of our parents, and joined in lots of Pudsey activities:


Next week we are having a Minibeast Mayhem afternoon (please see Class Dojo).

Have a great weekend everyone.