Our week in Clee



Our language of the week has been Polish. Each day we have said ‘witam’ which means welcome.


This week as part of our Understanding the World learning we have learned about Chinese New Year. We watched a video about preparing for Chinese New Year, looked at where China is on the world map, enjoyed lots of Chinese New Year activities, performed a dragon dance and used chopsticks to taste some chinese food:


We also checked our cress seeds and were amazed at how much they have grown. The children talked about the tallest and shorter pieces of cress:



We continued our learning about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch by looking at birds that migrate. Some of the children made paper plate birds and danced like birds:



In Mastering Maths we have been learning more about subitising. We showed our understanding by independently completing activities:



In Literacy we have continued our learning on our focus book ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke. We read that Naughty Bus had raced passed the passengers waiting at the Bus Stop and how the passengers felt when this happened. We read captions; ‘I am mad’, ‘I am cross’, ‘I am sad’ into talking pegs, and wrote words on post-it notes to describe how the passengers felt:




Here are some of the activities we have enjoyed in LEX time:


Next week we will be joining in with National Storytelling Week and NSPCC Number Day on Friday when the children are invited to dress up as a digit. Our language of the week will be Turkish. We will say ‘Merhaba’ which means ‘hello’.