Our week in Clee


We have had another exciting week in Clee.


Pupils take part in National Storytelling Week – Hensingham Primary School

This week we have been celebrationg National Storytelling Week. Many different members of staff from the Academy have read or told stories to the children which we have really enjoyed. We will continue this into next week as there are more adults and children who would like to take a turn at reading to us.





In Literacy we have read some more of ‘Naughty Bus’. Naughty Bus had messed up our classroom and we had a visit from Jack’s mum to say how sad and cross she was because Naughty Bus had driven over her tablecloth with dirty wheels! We wrote some letters to Jack’s mum explaining how we felt about this:




In Maths we have been learning about number order, counting and how many. We spend a short time being taught this and then practise it independently with Maths activities:




We learned some more about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and joined in a physical activity where we hadd to listen to which bird picture we needed to fly to and if we flew quckly or slowly. We also flocked into trees but found out that one of the trees was chopped down and so the birds had nowhere to perch:





In LEX time outside the children made tents and campfires. This was enhanced by introducing pop up tents and toasting cotton wool marshmallows. Next week we will pretend to toast real marshmallows sitting around a campfire and sing some songs:




Number Day 2023 | NSPCCOn Friday it was NSPCC Number day, the children took part in lots of number based activities and really enjoyed showing off their fantastic outfits. A big thank you to parents and carers for their support. Here are a few pictures from the day:



Next week is Children’s Mental Health week all week, and Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February.