Our week in Clee


This week we have learned to say ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Afternoon’ using Makaton sign language.


In Literacy we finished reading ‘The Journey Home’ by Emma Levey. The children have really enjoyed the story, learning about journeys and memories, families and what animals hatch from eggs. This week’s challenge was to sequence and retell the story:



In Mastering Number we have been learning about doubles. The children enjoyed joining in activities which supported their understanding of doubles:




In preparation for PE, which we will be starting after the Easter holidays, the children played musical shoes and socks. They danced and when the music stopped they were given instructions to take off one shoe or sock. When they had taken both shoes and socks off we repeated the game to put them back on:




Here are some of the learning and exploring the children have been initiating:





On Thursday it was Mr Cartwright’s last day in Clee Class. He wrote a special song all about us which was absolutely lovely and made some of the children a little emotional:




The children who have brought in their home learning projects showed them to the class. Thank you for supporting the children to make these; they are really fantastic:





In Understanding the World we have learned why we celebrate Easter. The children gave their ideas about why they think we celebrate Easter. We then watched a video showing the Easter story and discussed what they had learned. We joined the rest of the school at the Easter service in church. The children were absolutley amazing in church and wowed everyone with their signing while singing ‘Celebrate’. It was great to see so many families supporting us. A big thank you to our families who helped make Easter bonnets at home. We did an Easter parade to show them off to the rest of the school.



To finish the term off, and as an Easter treat, the Easter Bunny came and hid Easter eggs in our outdoor area. He even sat and ate a carrot while we watched from the classroom. The children went on an Easter egg hunt and collected the Easter eggs and we shared them out:



Wishing you all a very Happy Easter,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.