Our Week in Clee.


We have had a wonderful, busy week in Clee this week!


In Literacy we have been continuing our learning based on the ‘Lost and Found’ story by Oliver Jeffers. We pretended to be the penguin or the boy and acted out part of the story. We talked about who are our friends in school and why and we went on a boat trip together just like the boy and the penguin:



In Phonics we have been learning many new sounds and we have been practising our letter formation in lots of different ways:


In Maths we have been comparing size, mass and capacity:



We decorated our food donations box for the Harvest festival by printing using vegetables, we joined in with some Harvest activities and sang ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’:

Thank you so much for all your donations.


We ended the week by having a dentist to visit. She told us all about when and how to brush our teeth and showed us some pretend teeth and a special magnifying light. We also got a chance to clean some very big pretend teeth.