Our week in Clee.


It has been another busy, fun week in Clee.


Our language of the week has been Latvian. During the register we said ‘sveiki’ which is hello in Latvian.


The highlight of our week was receiving a letter asking us to make some pants for King Charles to wear at his Coronation. We read the story ‘The King’s Pants’ and then received the letter along with a box full of his boring white pants! We decorated the pants using red, white and blue materials as we found out these are the King’s favourite colours. we also made crowns and bunting for the Coronation. A big thank you to everyone who made bunting at home; our classroom looks fantastic:

The children described what they were wearing for our Coronation celebrations:



In Maths we helped Muddles the Monkey with counting and how to stop at the stopping number. The children suggested moving objects and touching them to count them:



In LEX time some of the children used hockey sticks as horses and made them manes using wool:



In forest school Mrs Dallow talked about fire safety rules. She lit a fire and made popcorn for us to eat. We then toasted marshmallows on the fire before exploring:

Have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.