Our Week in Clee


This week in Clee our language of the week has been Welsh.


In Mastering Number we have been learning about the composition of 5 and 6 and talked about ‘5 and a bit more’. The children have found many different ways to make 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10:



In Literacy we finished our focus text ‘Silly Doggy!’. The children retold and rewrote the story. Alongside this they were authors and illustrators making their own books:



In PE we used balloons to practise catching and keeping the balloon up using alternate hands and also with a partner:



Following on from the children’s interest in ‘Peter the snail’ we looked at Kandinsky’s circles and recreated our own using chalks and oil pastels:


On Wednesday for our last forest school session we went on a bear hunt:



On Thursday we had our In Class worship. This time Reverend James told us a bible story about Jesus washing his Disciples’ feet:



In the afternoon we joined Key Stage 1 for a Charity obstacle course to raise money for Hope House:



Here are some of our LEX activities from the week:

Have a lovely half term break.

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.