Our Week in Clee


We have had a great first week of our final half term in Reception.

Our language of the week has been French. The children have asked that next week we say hello in Australian; you will quite possibly hear the children saying ‘g’day’ or ‘g’day mate’!


In Mastering Number this week we have been continuing our learning about the composition of ‘5 and a bit more’. The children have found many different ways to make 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10:



In Literacy we found a letter on our door after we had been out to play asking us to help the Chilly Peas as someone had put them in ice and they were frozen! The children made a fantastic job of rescuing the Chilly Peas. We talked about how we did this and, as it took quite some time, we talked about how we could make the ice melt quicker; the children had fantastic ideas. We then sequenced what we had done and wrote about it.:

We followed this up by predicting whether ice with salt on it or without salt on it would melt quicker. Two small pots of water were frozen and then we put ice on one and watched what happened. We then looked back at our predictions to see if we were correct:



Our Drawing Club book this week has been ‘Dear Zoo’. The children are really enjoying coming to Drawing Club and creating their character or setting and a number and word code to make something happen to their drawing:



In PE we had our first practise for sports day. The children practised staying in the castle colour groups, waiting their turn to race and cheering on their team mates; what a lot of instructions!




It has been Child Safety week and as the weather has been very hot and sunny we talked about keeping safe in the sun and watched a video about ‘ George the Sun Safe Super Star’:




Here are some of our LEX activities and ‘Show and Tell’: