Our Week in Clee


We have enjoyed another great week in Clee.


This week the children had individual photographs taken as well as a whole Reception class photograph which will be in the Oswestry Advertiser.


In Maths this week we have been subitising. The children are becoming more confident in noticing what is around them and noticing groups of things. We practised this by going on a ‘noticing’ walk outside and using resources to sort and group:



In Literacy we sequenced the first part of the ‘Peace at Last’ story and then read to the end of the story. The children are now familiar with the repeated refrains in the story and enjoy joining in with these during the story. The activities this week included making bear stick puppets, Mr Bear ‘I spy’, constructing their own homes and hearing initial sounds and finding the corresponding letter:

Our Drawing Club book has been ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. The children have drawn Goldilocks’s house and a bear character. They have made up a number codes and a letter code which makes something happen to their picture:



Following on from the children playing ‘the floor is lava’ and talking about volcanoes we made a volcano and tried different methods to make it erupt. We used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, and Harry suggested we try coke and mentos. The children were fascinated and made suggestions which method worked the best and how to make them erupt more:



On Thursday Reverend James and Suzie came to talk to the children about Harvest. The children talked about how we had harvested the fruit and vegetables.


This week we have started our Brilliant Brushers toothbrushing. The children each have their own toothbrush, we put on the toothpaste (which is spicy according to the children), and the children brush their teeth for two minutes while watching a toothbrushing song:


Here are some photos of the other learning opportunities throughout the week: