Our Week in Clee


We have had a great final week of the half term.


In Maths we have been learning about comparison by comparing groups of objects and saying which has more or fewer:





In Literacy we completed our ‘Peace at Last’ learning by sequencing and retelling the story:


Our Drawing Club book has been ‘We’re Going on a Pumpkin Hunt’. We made up actions to the key vocabulary: massive, swooping, searching, alarmed and flapping. The children have drawn a character, a setting and an adventure and made uo their own codes:



This week we have had great fun exploring pumpkins. The children have talked about size, mass, colour, texture. They enjoyed cutting up the pumpkins and finding out what was inside:



Here is some of the other learning and exploring which has taken place this week:



On Friday we talked about firework safety and staying safe on Bonfire Night.


We hope you have a lovely half term break. We would love it if you would share photos of the exciting things you do or any firework pictures.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Owen, Mrs Roberts and Miss Heath.