Our Week in Clee


We have had another fun and busy week in Clee and our Christmas celebrations are well and truly under way.


In Maths we have been continuing our Mastering Number learning about counting. The children have joined in many different activities using their counting skills:



In Literacy we have finished our focus text ‘TheThree Little Pigs’ by planning and writing about a good way to trap the Big, Bad wolf. The children have enjoyed Christmas inspired fine motor skills and mark making activities:

In Understanding the World we have learned more about why we celebrate Christmas by telling the Nativity story and Mark from Holy Trinity Church talking to us about it:



On Tuesday we all had a great time at the Christmas Disco.



On Wednesday we celebrated Christmas Jumper day and had a lovely Christmas dinner. We all showed our Christmas jumpers to the class:



On Thursday we had a visit from two dental nurses. They were very impressed that the children know so much about the importance of keeping their teeth clean and how they do the Brilliant Brushers every day:



On Friday we enjoyed the Santa Dash. We checked the weather forecast to see when was the driest time during the day to do our dash:



Here are other activities we have enjoyed during the week: