Our Week in Clee.


This week in Clee the children talked about the fireworks they saw at the weekend. They described what they heard and saw and wrote these words using their Phonic knowledge. The words they used included pop, bang, ping. We made sparklers, firework pictures, patterns in glitter and made our names using glitter. The children have been very creative in a variety of ways:



We learned about Remembrance; why we wear a poppy and what each part of the poppy means. Some of the children had the opportunity to wear a soldier’s uniform. We made poppy handprint pictures and wrote our names next to them. In Maths we used poppies to match the correct numeral to the quantity. We made poppy biscuits and iced them using red frosting and a chocolate button to finish. We listened to ‘The Last Post’ and joined the rest of the school in a two minute silence:



We have enjoyed drawing and writing in lots of different ways:



In Phonics this week we have learned the sounds h, r, j and v. The children are becoming really good at recognising the sounds and knowing words which begin with the sound we have been learning. When we learned ‘r’ we pretended to walk and talk like robots and even found a robot wake and shake dance which we have done a few times during the week; this has encouraged the children to listen and follow instructions. We have also been learning the red tricky words ‘I, the, no, to’. Each day one of these words has been our class secret password; the children have remembered the words really well and have said the word to get back into the classroom after we have been outside.


Following on from the children’s interests in tools the lock board was brought inside for the children to explore using real tools. We also have a new workshop area outside which the children have enjoyed using:



Today we had an assembly to celebrate the children who were given the Christian Distinctiveness award for last term’s value which was Generosity. Our class Christian Distinctiveness award was given to Olivia; well done to Olivia!



We have had a lovely, busy week learning and exploring. Next week is World Nursery Rhyme week. We will learn a new rhyme each day; our learning will link to the rhyme and also the children’s interests.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Dallow and Mrs Darofte.