Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week in Clee. The children have impressed us with their enthusiasm for asking questions and learning.


In Maths we have been learning about ‘odd and even’. We began the learning by sorting objects according to properties. We then looked at which Numberblocks had a flat top and which had an odd top. The children were confident to recognise these and had a go at making their own:


In Literacy we read a little more of our focus text ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Jonny Duddle. We learned some new vocabulary which includes herbivore, carnivore and Cretaceous. The story start with the mummy dinosaurs warning their four baby dinosaurs about the Gigantosaurus. The children wrote their own warnings in speech bubbles. There were also lots of other activities for them to explore:



This week in Expressive Art and Design we talked about the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at two of his most famous paintings and discussed which was our favourite and why. We will be painting our own interpretation of the ‘Sunflowers’ painting.

We looked at how a sunflower seed grows and then planted sunflower seeds and cress seeds which we will look at daily to see how they are growing and if they are growing at the same rate:



On Wednesdy we had a visit from Sian from Booka Bookshop. Sian told us about some books we can buy and read us two stories:



Here are some of our other activities from the week: