Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week in Clee which has been full of new experiences.


On Tuesday the children had their ‘move-up’ morning and met their new class teacher in their new classroom. We chatted about the move up morning, some children were excited and happy and some were feeling shy, scared and even a little terrified.

During the afternoon after the move up morning we talked about what they had enjoyed and how they were feeling now. They each described their favourite part and everyone said they were feeling happy:


On Wednesday morning we went to watch the year 5 and 6 children perform Jungle Book. It was amazing!


On Wednesday we had our Early Years graduation. We had a practice in the morning meaning that the children were prepared for the actual event. I’m sure you will all agree the children looked very smart and were fantastic. We are very proud of them. Thank you to everyone who came to support the children.



Here are some photos of the other experiences the children have had this week: