Our Week in Clee


What a very busy, exciting week we’ve had this week.

In Maths we have been learning how to be ‘Super Subitisers’ by saying what we see and how we see it:

In Shape, Space and Measure we matched objects and sorted them into sets:



This week our new book ‘The Gingerbread Man’ was introduced by the children arriving to find tiny footprints in the class which led into the corridor. The children were very excited and shared their thoughts about who or what the footprints might belong to. We followed them and found some ingredients to make Gingerbread Men. We did this and then ate them for snack:



Last week some of the children were building volcanoes in the sand. We extended this interest by learning about volcanoes and making a volcano ourselves. On Friday we made the volcano erupt:



Here are photos of some of our other learning this week: