Our week in Clee.


What a lovely, busy week we’ve had in Clee!


In Phonics we have been practising our sounds and letter formation in shaving foam and on white boards.


Continuing our learning about birds for the RSPB Great School’s Birdwatch we made bird feeders which we hung outside for the birds to eat. We looked at some nests, a bird’s egg and some wood which a woodpecker had pecked a hole into which Mrs Dallow had brought in for us.


In Maths we have been learning about number bonds to 5. We played a game where we each threw 5 beanbags towards a hoop and we had to say how many were inside the hoop, how many outside the hoop and how many altogether. We then recorded our score onto the whiteboard. We also had Maths fun during our LEX time (Learning and Exploring).



In Literacy we started our story ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. We have drawn and labelled maps for journeys we have been on and we have talked about places we would like to go to and drawn and written about these. We also had a visit from a real tortoise.  


Lots of us found ice while we were outside. We did a science experiment where we put water into 3 containers which we put in three different places and left them over night. We left one in our classroom, one outside and one in the freezer. We predicted what we thought would happen to each container and why. The next day we checked to see what had happened to the water and if our predictions were correct. We had a great time exploring the ice and talking about it being, liquid, solid and melting.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!