Our Week in Reception



We’ve had a short but busy week this week, here are some of the activities we have joined in with:


In Maths we have been learning about doubles. We have been ‘Doubles Detectives’ hunting for doubles inside the classroom. We have had many opportunities to make doubles on ladybirds using counters and pompoms, doubling the stripes on tigers and matching doubles.



In Literacy we talked about what we did during the half term holiday, we looked at photographs of us which our grown ups have sent to Mrs Meddins. We drew a picture and wrote about what we did during half term.

We started our book ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percivalwhich will be our Literacy focus for this half term by looking at the front cover and talking about what we could see. We predicted what we think is going to happen in the story.

The sea saw by Percival, Tom (9781471172434) | BrownsBfS




We had another visit to Holy Trinity Church. The children were amazing; as we walked to church they chatted about what they could see. When we got to the church the children listened carefully to what Mark told them about the church and what happens inside it




We learned about ‘World Oceans Day’. We found a turtle with plastic around its neck; we talked about the rubbish in our environment and the consequences it can have on animals



In Phonics on Friday we played a game; we danced to the music and then when the music stopped we had to listen to the instructions as to write a letter, red tricky word or our name



In PE we started practising for our sports day. There was so many instructions for the children to follow but they were fantastic



We had some sand delivered this week, during LEX time some children helped collect it and put it in the sand tray. They worked as a team using shovels and spades to fill wheelbarrows and push them to the sand tray and empty the sand in

During LEX time a group of children sat in a circle with a ball, they said they were playing pass the parcel with the ball. They did this a few times and then swapped the ball for a bottle and said they were playing flip the bottle. They took turns and played as a team.



Next week in Maths we will be learning about grouping and sharing and in Literacy we will be showing and writing about our most precious thing.