Our Week in Reception


We’ve had a busy, sunny week this week in Reception


In Literacy we looked at our most precious item. We described them and why they are precious as we saw pictures of them on the interactive white board. We then glued a photograph of them onto a heart shape and wrote about them:

We read some more of ‘The Sea Saw’ and made invitations to our teddy bear’s picnic:


In our maths we have been finishing our ‘Doubles learning’. We found doubles in lots of different places and when we found a double we took a photo of it using the iPad:



During LEX time we have followed and extended the children’s interests:

We had bubble mixture with various shaped wands for the children to explore and they used socks and bottles to make sock bubbles:


We set up an ice-cream shop and made sand mousse ice-creams:


We had orange water:



We set up an ice-cream tuff tray using foam and cereal to make the ice-cream:




Some of the children set up their own obstacle course, it was quite tricky to walk along but they persevered:





On Friday as a treat we had real ice-cream for snack. We all had 10p to buy an ice-cream. The children waited patiently in the queue, paid their money, chose the flavour ice-cream, sprinkles and sauce. They then ate the ice-cream sitting in the shade.



We had a visit from a lady from Oswestry library. She told us about the Summer Reading Challenge:



Next week we will be continuing to read ‘The Sea Saw’ in Literacy.  In Maths we will be learning about sharing into groups.

We have decided to have a teddy bears picnic next week. We have made invitations and more information will be sent via Dojo.