Our Week in Reception



What a hot, sunny weeks it’s been! We have made our outside area as shaded as possible so that the children can safely explore the outdoors.


In Literacy this week we have read a little more of our book ‘The Sea Saw’. The children pretended that they are the sea and have written about what they can see around them on the picture. The little girl in the story travels by train, bus and boat to get to the beach, following on from this the children made trains and buses and tickets to travel:




In Maths we have been continuing our learning ‘Find my pattern’. This week we have been learning about sharing and grouping:



In LEX time we have followed the children’s interests:




Following on from our Literacy story the children have been making and pretending to go on picnics. Following on from this, on Thursday we had a fabulous teddy bears picnic. Our friends and families came and, of course, our teddy bears came to: