Reading at home

Good afternoon everyone!

What a fantastic week we have all had being back in school, with everyone having a smile on their face and working hard.

I wanted to update you all about our reading books for home. Every child in Reception and Key Stage One has been sent home with a reading book. These are closely matched to your child’s reading stage, however they may need some support at times. If your child has a book with no words in, they are encouraged to talk about what they think is happening with you and to make up a story using the pictures as they go along.

Children in KS1 have also gone home with a reading for pleasure book. This is a book they have chosen themselves, encouraging them to share this book with you at home.

Next Friday, all children will be sent home with three books:
1. One book will be a phonics book matched exactly to your child’s reading stage.
2. One reading for challenge book matched closely to your child’s reading stage, but some support may be required.
3. One reading for pleasure book for you to share at home. This book will not be at your child’s reading stage, it is purely for them to enjoy and to promote a love of reading.

We encourage children to discuss what they have read, you could ask them questions about the text or about what they think might happen next. We promote the use of phonics and children will be able to decode the words using the sounds they have learnt. I will be holding a meeting regarding phonics and reading later in the term for parents and carers to explain how we teach this and to offer any support. We do have a whole school expectation of children reading at home five times a week. This will encourage your child’s reading development as well as an opportunity to use their phonics and gain an understanding of what they are reading.

We have unfortunately had delays with our reading diaries arriving. Please bear with us and these will be issued as soon as they arrive.

Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions, please do let me or your child’s class teacher know.

Enjoy your weekend, Mrs Thompstone