Reception Celebration

In Clee Reception Class we have been learning about celebrations and festivals. We have talked about how people have parties to celebrate special times. We decided to plan our own party to celebrate our friends.

The first stage of planning our party was to write the invitations. We had to decide who we were going to invite, and where and when the party was going to be. We used our phonics knowledge to write invitations to our reception friends in Earls Hill Class.

Once we had sent our invitations it was time to plan the party food!

We made shopping lists.

Once the food had been bought, we all helped to prepare it. We made chocolate crispy cakes, iced biscuits, jam sandwiches and cut up fruit.

Once the food had been prepared, it was time for our guests to arrive! We put on our party hats, tucked into the food and played some party games. We all had a great time, and thoroughly enjoyed planning our celebration party.