Super Hero Inspire Day!

We had a great day training to be superheroes! The staff dressed up as superheroes and we talked about what traits a super hero should have. We then made our own superhero costumes.


We listened to a story about ‘Super Daisy’. She stopped Planet Earth colliding with Planet Pea! We helped Super Daisy by rescuing her friends from the pea swamp and by mashing the peas as hard as we could.

We watched the superhero Sportacus showing us how to be active and healthy. We learned that fruit and vegetables (sports candy) are very good for us. We had a go at sorting the healthy and non – healthy foods like Sportacus did.

Some Villains appeared, we had to blast them with water spray quickly!



Finally we took part in a super hero training camp. We had to dodge the lasers, climb through a giant web, crawl under a mysterious sheet and lift some weights. Phew, it’s hard work being a superhero!