Thursday 14th January 2021. Afternoon Home Learning – Noah’s Ark


Our afternoon learning is linked to Noah’s Ark. Here is the story again:


Float or sink – poster – Early Years teaching resource - Scholastic

This afternoon we are going to be looking at floating and sinking. Talk to your grown up about what floating and sinking mean.

Did the ark in the story float or sink?

It looks like a very big ark, why do you think it floated? Talk to your grown up.


Now it’s time for you to be scientists and do an experiment. Today we are going to find some objects and predict (say what you think is going to happen) when we put them in water. Will they float or sink?


You will need:

A large bowl or plastic container (clear if you have one) filled with water

Some objects from around your house. These are the objects I used when I did the experiment:


Then you need to predict (say what you think is going to happen) when you put each object into the water.


I started with a spoon. Do you think it will sink or float?



Will the coin float or sink?



A padlock?



The scissors?



And finally the orange, will it float or sink?




This is what happened:

The spoon sank

I put a pencil into the water… floated

The coin sank

The padlock sank

The scissors sank

The orange floated


Here all all the objects that I used for my floating and sinking experiment:


Now it’s your turn. I hope you have fun doing this experiment.

Did you predict correctly? I would love to see photos of what you did.


Here is a short Cbeebies video  for you to watch where Messy explores floating and sinking:

Messy Goes to OKIDO - Why do things sink and float?