Thursday 25th February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Here is the link to the ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers story if you would like to listen to it again:


Today I would like you to think of what you would take with you if you were travelling to the South Pole.

Grown ups – please could you find different items to keep you warm; scarf, hat, wellies, coat etc and some items which you would wear when it’s hot e.g. shorts, cap, swim wear etc. If you have a suitcase or a bag which your child can pack that would be great. Place all the items together and ask your child to choose the items they would need to take with them to the South Pole and pack them into the suitcase or bag.

Image result for packing a suitcase for cold holiday

Image result for packing a suitcase for hot holiday

When they have done this I would like them to make a list of the items they have packed. Please encourage your child to use their Fred Talk to sound out and write the words on their list.

Here is a link to a template for the list if you wish to print off:



I would also like your child to read a book with you.

I would like you and your child to write letters onto pieces of paper or outside using chalk. If you say a sound can your child jump on that sound? If you say a simple word can your child jump on and say the correct sounds that make that word?

Image result for jumping on letters to make a word