Thursday 28th January 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Here is the story of Jack and the Beanstalk read by Mrs Dallow for you to listen to again if you wish:


Here is a different version of the story for you to listen to:


Are the two stories the same or different? How are they different? Talk to your grown up about the differences in the two stories.


Can you remember the part of the story when Jack stole the giant’s gold? 

Today I would like you to make a wanted poster for either the Giant or Jack. Make sure to include lots of adjectives to describe what the character you have chosen looks like.

You can draw your own character on the poster or you can print off this one



The sound you learned in Read Write Inc Phonics earlier was ‘h’. Today I would like you to find as many objects as you can that begin with the ‘h’ sound. When you have collected them I would like you to put them all in a bowl saying what they are and writing a list of them using you Fred talk to help you write the words.

Now watch the ‘h’ Alphablocks episode



Today I would like you to read a book with your grown up. I would also like you to writing your name; making sure that you form the letters correctly. I would also like you to have a go at writing the names of some of the members of your family.