Thursday 28th January – UTW – Science

We are thinking about the story Jack and the Beanstalk again this afternoon.

We are going to try to grow our own beanstalk.

I hope you have been able to collect your bean science kit from school?

In your kit you will have a bean seed, and a paper towel. You will need to use the plastic bag the kit came in, you will need some water and some tape.


  • Wet the paper towel and put it inside the bag.
  • Put the bean on the paper towel and seal the bag.
  • Tape the bag to a sunny window.
  • The seed needs warmth to germinate and the sun should provide that. It should take 3 -5 days for the seed to germinate, although it might take a little longer than that.

Perhaps you could draw the seed every few days to keep a record of its growth?

I’d love to see photos of your little beanstalk as it grows!