Thursday 4th February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Today we are continuing our learning based on the Jack and the Beanstalk story. Here is another chance to watch Mrs Dallow reading the story:


Following on from the story, can you remember that Jack stole the gold coins? Well you’ll never guess what he’s done?! He’s lost them! Your challenge today is to find them! 

Grown-ups: Please can you hide a bag of gold coins for your child to find? When you have done that I need you to write or draw some very simple clues for them to decipher where the gold coins are hidden!

Children: your grown up has some clues to help you find the missing gold coins. Can you look at the clues and find where they are?

Please could you send me a picture or a photograph of you doing the challenge? You could even draw a map of where you found the gold coins.

Here is a treasure hunt you can do inside your house if you would like to. You made need a grown up to help you with some of the clues



Today I would also like you to practise writing the letter ‘w’ which you learned in Phonics today.


And go on a ‘w’ hunt and find objects around your house which begin with the ‘w’ sound. When you are looking at a book or magazine or out with your family see how many letter ‘w’ you can spot.

Here is the link to Alphablocks ‘w’ episode


I would like you to read a book from Bug Club with your grown up.

Here are some games for you to play: