Thursday 4th February Clee and Earls Hill – Science

Today I’d like you to do some body measuring! If you have got a ruler or a tape measure you can use, that’s great. If not you could cut out a strip of paper and mark it at roughly 1cm points. Or if you have some building blocks, like Lego or Duplo you could use those to measure.

On a piece of paper, draw out a table similar to this one. Write names of family members across the top row and parts of the body to be measured in the left hand column. Show your child how to measure carefully and write the measurements into the table.

Discuss with your child, who has the biggest foot? The shortest leg etc. Will this always be the same? Talk to your child about the fact that you as an adult have stopped growing. Your feet, arms, legs etc will not get any bigger. But your child is still growing. They will get bigger. One day they might be bigger than you!

Discuss, with your child the similarities and differences between smaller child and bigger adult – liken this to the difference between David and Goliath.

Look at pictures of David and Goliath and discuss the similarities and differences between them.

Ask your child to draw a picture showing the size difference between David and Goliath.