Thursday Maths

Today your child will be developing their addition skills. Start by watching numberblocks! The numbers are exploring addition.

For today’s activity, you will need paper, pens and 10/20 counters depending on the level your child is working to.

Make some addition pairs – cut paper into rectangles. I would suggest cutting an A4 sheet of paper into 4 quarters would be about the right size. You will need about 12 rectangles (so 3 sheets of paper to start with, each cut into 4)

On half of the rectangles write out some addition questions. Don’t put on the answers! On the rest of the paper write the answers. Do additions with answers up to 10 or to 20 depending on the level your child is working at.

Turn the paper over so the addition question and answers are face down. Now, play a pairs matching game. Your child turns over two cards – they need to find a matching pair of an addition and the correct answer. They might like to use the counters to help them work out the answer to the addition. This example shows a matching pair.


If they have a matching pair they get to keep both cards. Then it is your turn to find a matching pair. Continue taking turns until all cards have been paired up.