Thursday Maths

Today your child will be working on capacity. You will need some cups and a jug of water.

Please start by looking at and discussing these pictures. Tell your child the monsters have gone to a cafe for milkshakes. But they keep getting their drinks mixed up!

This monster should have a full cup of milkshake. Which cup is full?

This monster has finished his milkshake. His cup is empty. Which cup belongs to the monster?

This monster has had half of his drink. His cup is half full. Which cup belongs to this monster?  Oh no! They have got in a muddle again! The white and green spotted monster needs the cup which has the most milkshake in it. Which cup has the most? The pink monster has almost finished his drink. He needs the cup which has the least in it. Which cup has the least in it?

Maths Mastery – Home Learning Challenge! Today your child has been learning to use vocabulary such as full, half full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, most and least.

Young children learn best when working with real objects. Please provide your child with 5 cups that are the same or very similar in size. They will also need a jug of water. A towel to mop up spills may also be useful! Read the instructions shown on the card below and ask your child to follow them.