Tuesday 23rd February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!

Here is the ‘Lost and Found’ story for you to listen to again:


I hope you enjoyed the story again? Have you got a favourite part of the story? Or a favourite character? Talk with your grown up about these questions. Which is their favourite part?


Today you are going to go fishing! Below is a link to a fishing game which, if you are able to, you can print out and cut out the fish and the penguin’s mouth. If not you and your grown up can draw and write words onto fish.

When you have done this, stick the penguin onto a box with a hole where the penguin’s mouth will be. Now I would like you to place all the fish onto a blue sheet, material or paper. If you have a laminator you can put the fish into water! Now I would like you to catch a fish. If you have a magnet and paper clips you can put the paper clips onto the fish and really catch them! When you have a caught a fish can you read the word on it to your grown up? When you have read the word you can feed it to the penguin and then choose another word.

Happy fishing! I would love to see some photographs of you fishing and saying the words on the fish.

CVC penguin feed activity

Image result for cvc fishing game


If you watched the Read Write Inc Phonics today you will have learned the special friends sound ‘nk’.

Can you practise writing this sound? There is a link below to a worksheet:


Can you think of some words with the ‘nk’ sound in them?


Today I would also like you to read with your grown up, practise your letter formation and have a go at the Fishy Phonics game:
