Tuesday 26th January 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill


Good morning Reception children and families!

Today we are continuing our learning based on the Jack and the Beanstalk story. Here is Mrs Dallow reading the story if you would like to listen to it again:


In the story Jack’s mum was so cross with him for selling the cow and only being paid in beans (not money) that she threw the beans out through the window into the garden. Can you remember what happened next? What grew from the beans?

Today I want you to pretend that you have some beans and you throw them out through the window just like Jack’s mum did. Just imagine that the next time you look out through the window there is a giant beanstalk! Oh my goodness, it’s huge! It starts in the ground where the beans landed and it is so tall that the top of it is lost in the clouds. 

If you climbed the beanstalk that has grown outside your house what would you find at the top?

Can you write about what you find at the top of your beanstalk? Can you describe it for your grown up? When you’ve done that I would like you to draw, paint, create or make a collage to show what is at the top of the beanstalk. I’ll be excited to see all your creations!

Here are some ideas:

Rhodes Avenue on Twitter: "What would you hope to fine at the top of your beanstalk? The Hedgehog children have lots of ideas...… "


Jack and the Beanstalk Part 2


Also today…….

In your Phonics earlier you learned about the sound ‘e’. Today I would like you to do a treasure hunt around your house and garden and find anything that starts with the ‘e’ sound. When you have found an object I would like you to take a photograph of it and use your Fred Talk to write what it is.

I would also like you to read a book from Bug Club and practise writing your letters.