Tuesday 26th January – PE and PSED

Yesterday we heard the story of David and Goliath. This Pilates session is based on this story.

If you still have some energy, here is another PE session with Callum.

I hope the exercise has made you feel better.

Yesterday we talked about how exercise can make our bodies fit, strong and healthy. Exercise is also a great way to keep our minds feeling strong and healthy. Another way to keep our minds strong and healthy is to talk to a grown up that we trust about our worries.

At the moment, we might have a few more worries than normal. Everything is a bit different isn’t it?

Have you heard about a worry monster? This is a worry monster.

Worry monsters are great because they read your worries and then munch the up so you no longer need to worry about them! Here is the list of items recommended to make a worry monster. Although I am sure you will come up with great ideas of your own to make one.

I’d love to see some pictures of your worry monsters.