Tuesday 2nd February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!

As you all know our home learning is based on the Jack and the Beanstalk story. Here is the story for you to listen to again if you wish:


Was this version of Jack and the Beanstalk the same as the other ones you’ve listened to? Or were some parts of it different? Talk to your grown up about the story. What parts did you like? What parts didn’t you like? 

As you have now heard the story many times, today I would like you to write about it. I have put a link to some writing activities. Each page shows Jack and the Beanstalk pictures as a prompt for you to talk and write about. There are also some keywords to use in your writing. You can choose to use whichever pictures you wish. Grown-ups: when you ask your children to write at this early stage of writing we do not expect words to be correctly spelt but we do encourage children to say the sounds they hear in words then write the letters to match the sounds. 

If you are unable to print out the sheets or if your child would like to draw their own pictures and then write a sentence that would be great



Today in Read Write Inc you learned the sound ‘v’ I would like you to practise writing the letter ‘v’ . There is a link to a worksheet if you wish to use that otherwise you can practise a different way. I would like you to think of some words beginning with the sound ‘v’ and write those on your paper too.



Here are some Phonics games for you to play:




I would like you to read with your grown up and have a look through the red tricky words in your resource pack.


Here is the Tricky word song for you to join in with: