Tuesday 2nd February 2021. Maths home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Today we are going to start our maths by joining in some number songs. Here are some Numberblocks songs; there are lots of them so you don’t have to join in with them all just the ones you want to.


As we have been listening to the Jack and the Beanstalk story today our maths learning is about measuring height. Do you know what that means? Talk to your grown up about it.

What did you say about measuring height? If you said it is about measuring how tall or how short something is then you are correct.

The beanstalk in the story grew very tall. In fact it grew so tall that it reached the clouds. If you stood next to the beanstalk who would be taller? You or the beanstalk? Who would be shorter? You or the beanstalk?

Today I have a challenge for you! I would like you to find 5 things that are taller than you. They can be inside your house or outside. Can you ask your grown up to take a photograph of you standing by the taller objects that you find and send them to me please? If you want to you can draw a picture of you standing next to a taller object and label it.

Now can you find 5 things that are shorter than you? Again, can you ask your grown up to take some photographs please?


Here are some taller and shorter games for you to play:





Here is the link for the children who are learning to recognise, count and represent smaller numbers. Today you need to watch the session 4 video in the phase Light and Dark:


Here is today’s activity:

And here is an activity for you to complete to practise numbers 1, 2, and 3
