Tuesday Literacy

Today we are going to be looking at rhyming words. Follow the link below to hear a rhyming story about rockets.


Explain to your child that words that rhyme sound the same. We have covered this in class, but they can get confused and think the words have to start with the same letter. Explain that the sounds at the end of the words sound the same, which is why they rhyme. Use the examples red, ted and bed to show this. You could say the words. Say them slowly. Quietly say the first sound of each word and then emphasise the ‘ed’ part . Ask your children to write the words red, ted and bed. Underline the ‘ed’ part of the word to show them the words all end with the same sounds.

Now, I’d like you to play a game with rhyming words. Pick a simple word, for example ‘cat’. You say the word then your child says a word that rhymes with cat, then you say another word that rhymes and so on. Keep going taking it in turns to create a long string of words that all rhyme (cat, fat, hat, that, mat, pat, sat, splat) Try again, starting with the word ‘pig’ (jig, wig, swig, big, twig). Keep going with different simple words for as long as your child is happy to play. Don’t worry if your child makes up words. At this point the important thing as that the words all rhyme.

Draw a table like this one (don’t fill it in, that is your child’s job!). Write different simple words across the top (the black words). It will probably be easier to use the words you have just used in your game. Ask your child to write as many words that rhyme under each heading (like the red words below).


This is the link to an interactive rhyming game. The children listen to the word and then click on the picture that rhymes with that word.


Cheeky Challenge!!! Can your child use any of the words in the table above in a written sentence?

Please read a bug club book today and practise reading the red tricky words.