Tuesday Literacy

Watch this clip about Mr Tumble. He goes on a bus ride! Lots of different people get on the bus with him.

Today I’d like you to create a story map about the video clip. Start by drawing a simple road and bus on your paper like this. Or ask your child to draw it. Please don’t draw the road signs on it yet though. You may need to tape two pieces of paper together, or if you are working in a book, use a double page.

At the start of the road, draw a road sign and number it 1. Ask your child to write who got on the bus first, next to the road sign (Mr Tumble).

Ask your child who got on the bus next? (Aunt Polly) A bit further along your road, draw another road sign (2) and ask your child to label this ‘Aunt Polly’.

Follow this with another road sign for ‘Lord Tumble’. Your road story map should now look similar to this.

Ask your child what happens at the end of the story.  Draw a picnic at the end of the road. Ask your child to write the sentence   “The friends had a picnic” as independently as possible. They should be fairly accurate sounding out all the words correctly. They will probably miss out the ‘i’ in friends, most likely spelling it ‘frends’. This is ok. I really want them to work on sounding out and writing the words by themselves. They can spell the tricky word ‘the’. Remind them to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Please share a story with your child today.